Discover the captivating world of the Aura-Soma, a color therapy method which offers a holistic and harmonious approach to healing. The term "Aura" refers to the colors that envelop our bodies like an electromagnetic field, while "Soma" means body in Greek. Vicky Wall, a pharmacist and medical therapist, was behind the rediscovery of the Aura-Soma, an a practice that balances the energies of the surrounding aura.
By integrating various colors into the aura, Aura-Soma establishes a natural balance. This method uses combinations of oils, medicinal herbs, aromatic essences and crystalline energies to restore overall balance. Aura-Soma bottles offer a palette of 120 different two-tone bottles, each with unique color combinations, used both for personality diagnosis and as a therapeutic tool.
The Aura-Soma System explores the language, psychology and spirituality of colors. It offers essences that combine the energy of colors, plants and crystals to nourish inner beauty and radiance. These all-natural, biodynamically cultivated essences are versatile: they are used for personal care, well-being, cosmetics, therapy and spiritual guidance.
Aura-Soma bottles come in several complementary ranges, containing an oil and/or water base, as well as essential oils, flower essences, a natural colorant and crystal energy. Their high vibratory frequency and harmonizing potential make them powerful tools for purifying and regenerating body and mind. Whether applied to the skin, sprayed into the aura or into the surrounding space, these essences create an atmosphere of lightness, light and beauty.
The Aura-Soma acts like a mirror reflecting our inner aspects, talents and needs. These colorful essences, charged with vital energy, guide us towards the discovery of our truth and creativity. They provide comfort, daily nourishment and support in our quest for beauty, well-being and spiritual fulfillment. In short, the Aura-Soma is a living stained-glass window, a collection of poetry and a medicine in one, offering a transformative and enriching experience for body and mind.