Hello ! I'm Caroline and I accompany people on a journey inside themselves to find the resources they have to be more serene and to live in harmony with who they deeply are.
I work with people who feel stuck in a situation that is preventing them from living serenely. These people don't know where to start to get better, or they've already tried "classic" therapies that don't satisfy them. Whether it's a temporary stress situation or a deeper wound, a feeling of low energy or exhaustion, questioning, a search for meaning or an existential crisis, I'll accompany you with joy and gentleness.
I've created my coaching in resonance with what's most important to me: learning to accept and love yourself as you are, to cultivate confidence and joie de vivre. It sounds so simple, yet it's sometimes so complicated that I've trained myself with different tools to move forward on my own path.
Kinesiology and emotional, symbolic and energetic coaching are methods that have helped me deeply and for which I have developed an incredible passion. So it's with my heart wide open that I accompany you today on your journey to learn to know yourself better, to listen to yourself, to welcome your emotions, to release blockages, and to fully encounter all your inner resources to live in harmony with yourself.
I help you develop your ability to take care of yourself, cultivating a harmonious link between your physical, mental and energetic bodies, so that you feel serene and fulfilled, seeing obstacles as experiences and opportunities to evolve.
It was thanks to a burn out in 2018 that I became aware of the importance of what I share today. I seized the opportunity to develop my inner resources and abilities to consciously evolve on my path to fulfillment. I've also been a mother since 2019, and this wonderful adventure allows me to learn more every day about the inseparable link between the visible and invisible worlds. My various experiences have led me on this path, which fascinates me, nourishes me and encourages me to continue learning, creating and sharing what resonates with me. So it's with great joy and love that I accompany you on your own path, at your own pace, with your own resources, sharing my intuitive abilities and my skills as a coach and kinesiologist.
I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have, and together we'll see if my guidance is right for you, or if you'd prefer me to refer you to someone else. It's important to me that you choose what really resonates with you at this stage of your life. And I'm here to help you make that first choice.
We look forward to hearing from you!