EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a mind-body practice that uses fingertip tapping to stimulate the meridians. It is a non-needle acupuncture technique. EFT is a brief therapy.
This healing technique is designed to treat: emotional blockages, addictions, fears, sadness, anxiety, stress, weight problems, eating disorders...
EFT, which was widely disseminated by Gary Craig in the USA in the 90s, has been extensively studied, in particular to treat veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It has also been used to help people overcome the traumatic effects of several disasters: the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Hurricane Katrina, the 2011 tsunami in Japan, etc.
Emotional Freedom Techniques are still too little known in Belgium, despite all the beneficial effects this method can bring.
Caroline Vigneron
A mother of two, I was a nursery school teacher for 17 years before becoming a school principal. A few years ago, I decided to take up individual coaching. I'm convinced of the importance of clearing one's wounds and blockages in order to truly be oneself (self-love).
An EFT practitioner since 2016, it was natural for me to decide to train as a professional and develop the use of energy techniques. In my follow-ups, working on emotions and using energy treatments enable me to support children, families and adults in their search for balance and serenity.
I welcome people to my practice for individual sessions. The energy of individual sessions enables me to work in greater depth on the difficulty and to get to the root of the problem in order to free oneself from it.
I also organize group workshops. Group energy is very powerful, enabling us to work together on specific issues and share with others in similar situations. The group helps us to become aware of difficulties and sometimes to clean them up. At other times, it initiates interesting individual work.
In groups, there's never any chance. There's always a common thread, even if people often don't know each other before they start.
I would be delighted to meet you, guide you or answer your questions about this beautiful technique that is EFT.