Career Coach 270.00€ - 270.00€

Christiane De Vos

  • New

Workshop for 3 people maximum on March 16/17, 2024 in Waterloo (nearby train station) from 9:30 am to 5 pm.
For those who prefer, we also offer individual work, using the same tools, in Ixelles, Waterloo or via Skype by appointment.

My proposal is to invite you to take some time for yourself, in a reassuring and caring environment. A time to make room for your feelings. I'll help you to put into words what's going on inside you that's hindering your professional development, and to identify the elements that are essential for your professional fulfillment.

We'll talk about the past to better understand the present and look to the future with fresh eyes. Through a personalized process, taking into account your history, your environment and all your assets, I'll help you to clarify your dark areas.

Blockages are named, and the levers for preparing for change can be put to work, as your resources, abilities and skills emerge.
I'll encourage you to make conscious choices in your quest for professional fulfillment.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

Christiane De Vos, Systemic Psychotherapist, Master in Occupational Sciences
0474/ 96 55 10


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