Energy Practitioner 60.00€ - 60.00€

La Douceur des Anges - energy treatments

Rue Maes 1A, 1050 Brussels, Belgium


"Energeticist, Author, and Healer: My Journey to Inner Light"

Since 2016, I've been accompanying you on a journey to the heart of energy and spirituality. But before that, I worked as a manager in the corridors of a company for twenty years. A burn-out opened my eyes to the evils that surround us: stress, emotional overload, malaise.

I then chose to reorientate my life. My personal development journey led me to the discovery of bioenergy, the life force that animates everything. I experimented with these treatments on myself, overcoming my own malaise and regaining confidence in myself and in life.

Today, I'm putting these energy treatments at your service. It's not limited to the physical body, because illness and pain begin in our energy bodies. Prevention, self-healing, complementing medical treatments: this is what I offer you.

Cleansing the aura and subtle bodies Refocus, dare to say no, set limits. Free yourself from karmic and transgenerational memories.

Reiki Reenergize yourself, deal with blockages. Open yourself to healing.

Healing trance Healing: Bathe in pure spiritual energy that brings deep, intensive healing. Receive the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual care you need, as well as messages from the spiritual world to help you heal.

"Harmonize Your Being with Chromotherapy and Sonotherapy".

Chromotherapy (Crystal Sky): Nourish your energy centers with colored light. Each chakra resonates with this energy, amplified by a rock crystal.

Sonotherapy (Tibetan bowls): Immerse yourself in a magical sound massage. Deep relaxation, strengthening of the immune system, energetic balance. Your physical and mental health blossoms.

Energetic harmonization of your living spaces: A harmonized space offers a soothing atmosphere, reducing stress and promoting concentration. In short, purifying a space improves its quality of life and energy.

Journey to your inner light with my energy treatments. 🌟

Also explore the books :

  • The soul, its mission, its karma - Understanding the mechanisms of incarnation for a harmonious life
  • Living in peace and harmony through spirituality



  • Aura cleansing

    Energetic harmonization and aura cleansing offer significant benefits for well-being: Energetic balance: By releasing blockages and negative energies, the aura regains its balance. This promotes vitality and overall health. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: A purified aura helps to better manage emotions and stress. Deep relaxation sets in. Mental Clarity and Intuition: A balanced energy field improves concentration and intuition. Decisions become more informed. Immune System Strengthening: A healthy aura supports physical health by strengthening the immune system. Spiritual awakening: Regular cleansing promotes connection to our inner essence, paving the way for spiritual awakening. In short, aura harmonization contributes to a more serene and fulfilling life.

    60.00 €
  • Healing trance

    Trance healing is an ancient practice that nourishes body, heart and mind. Dive into the heart of this transformative experience and discover its depths: Ancient origins: Trance healing dates back over 20,000 years. From tribal cultures to shamans, it has crossed the ages to bring healing and balance. Deep relaxation: In trance, your system realigns. You float in a cocoon of serenity. Physical and emotional healing: Trance releases blockages, restores energy and calms the mind. Embark on an inner journey through trance healing and discover its benefits. 🌟

    60.00 €
  • Reiki

    Reiki, an ancient Japanese healing technique, offers profound benefits for mental and physical well-being. Here's why you should explore this energetic path: Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Reiki soothes the nervous system, promoting relaxation and inner peace. Energetic Balance: Practitioners channel universal energy to areas of need, restoring harmony to the body. Improved Quality of Life: Studies show that Reiki can improve quality of life, reduce pain and promote healing. Mood and Vitality Boost: Reiki revitalizes, raising vital energy and improving mood. Holistic approach: Reiki treats body, mind and soul, offering complete healing. Explore Reiki's energy flow and discover its transformative benefits. 🌟

    60.00 €
  • Tibetan bowl session

    "Harmonize Your Being with Tibetan Bowls" Tibetan bowls, carriers of millennia-old traditions, offer a unique sound and vibration experience. Here's why you should immerse yourself in this healing melody: Deep relaxation: The vibrations of the Tibetan bowls soothe body and mind. You float in an ocean of serenity. Energetic balance: The bowl frequencies harmonize your energy centers (chakras), restoring inner harmony. Stress and Anxiety Reduction: The enveloping sounds release tension, leaving you in a state of deep calm. Spiritual awakening: Tibetan bowls open doors to deep meditation and connection to your spiritual essence. Let yourself be lulled by the healing vibrations of Tibetan bowls and discover a symphony for the soul. 🌟

    60.00 €
  • Spiritual guidance

    Spiritual accompaniment is much more than simple guidance. It's an inner journey of self-discovery and deep connection with Life. Here's why you should explore this path: Unification of the Dimensions of Being : Spiritual guidance puts you in touch with your deepest essence, unifying body, heart and mind. You discover who you really are. Quest for Meaning and Well-Being: In times of doubt, grief or loss, spiritual guidance helps you find your bearings. It facilitates introspection and opens the way to greater inner freedom. Not Psychotherapy, but Mutual Aid: Spiritual guidance is not psychotherapy. It's about helping you grow, live better and find balance in your life. Open the door to your inner quest with spiritual guidance. 🌟

    60.00 €


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    • Samedi 08:00 - 19:00
    • Dimanche 08:00 - 19:00